The Effect of Homomorphic Encryption on Voters' Perceptions of Security in Election Systems

Master's Thesis by Jonathan Kaufman

Christopher Newport University


Welcome to the website for the the thesis research "The Effect of Homomorphic Encryption on Voters' Perceptions of Security in Election Systems". This website will provide information relating to the research and how you can participate in the research. This is for a Master's Thesis at Christopher Newport University by Jonathan Kaufman. This research will be looking into how the use of homomorphic encryption affects voter perception of the security of election systems. Throughout this study, the goal is to learn how the increase in technological security mesaures would effect the trust that voters' have on elections in the United States.


All data collection for this study has been completed. The researchers are now working on writing up the final thesis which will be published in around April 2023. Please stay tuned for when the final thesis is published as well as for other conference papers to come out. In the meantime, please feel free to visit the publiications tab which has some published conference papers which covers aspects of the research.

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